- 01. Introduction to Practice Set
- 02. Experimenting with the Code (OPTIONAL)
- 03. Declare and Initialize
- 04. Integer, integer, int
- 05. currentlyPlaying Variable
- 06. Profile Name
- 07. Using Variables
- 08. Travel Times
- 09. Shopping List
- 10. Shopping List, Once More...
- 11. Currency Conversion
- 12. Email Directory
- 13. Scope
- 14. Cola Wars 1
- 15. Cola Wars 2
- 16. Cola Wars 3
- 17. Healthy Living Intro
- 18. Healthy Living
- 19. Court Counter Intro
- 20. The Stages
- 21. Setting up the Methods
- 22. Planning Your Variables
- 23. Create the Score Variable
- 24. Plan to Update Score
- 25. Updating Score
- 26. Update with the Other Buttons
- 27. Add the Other Team in XML
- 28. Add The Other Team - Java
- 29. Plan to Add the Reset Button
- 30. Add the Reset Button
- 31. Make it Pretty
- 32. Recap
- 33. Intro to Study Break: PulsePoint
- 34. Study Break: PulsePoint